RIP New Year's Resolutions

Dec 28, 2022

RIP New Year’s Resolutions!

Have you given up on New Year’s Resolutions? I’ll bet that you’ll agree that most of us have because we know they don’t work. Why? Maybe because they feel superficial—something that we say but aren’t really committed to do the work it takes to succeed. But how about if instead you simply focus upon sending love to yourself and to others? The love you feel is real, strong and dependable. What are those things that you really love about yourself? Focus upon those strengths and skills and be grateful that they are part of who you are. Who are those people and other living creatures that you love? Focus upon them, what you love about them and be grateful they are a part of your life.  And lastly, try doing this lovingkindness practice instead of writing a list of resolutions this year. I think you’ll agree that this practice is the real thing.
