Meditation--The Perfect Cure for Holiday Blahs!

Dec 14, 2022

The holidays are the perfect time to try out some new practices that help you cope with the flurry of activity at work and at home. Here's one that is guaranteed to work for you--it's called meditation. While anytime you are feeling totally present and peaceful can be meditative, like walking in nature, taking a shower, listening to music, one of the common ways is to sit quietly and follow your breath. Seated meditation can be done anywhere and at any time--as long as you can be alone in a quiet space. It is a mind-body practice and can reduce stress, manage anxiety, reduce depression, lower blood pressure, strengthen your immune system, improve your memory and change how you emotionally react to situations. Yes, it is THAT GOOD! And, it's easy to do. It just takes presence--being in the moment. Here, I take a few minutes to introduce you to meditation and take you through a guided meditation.


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